Friday, 20 April 2012

Titanic Facts

  • History will always remember the sinking of the Titanic. It was one day when thousands of people lost their lives. Many of the survivors that were aboard this boat remembered April 14th when the Titanic sank under water after hitting an ice berg. Some were haunted by the things that happened.
  • Out of a total 2200 people aboard, many find it hard to imagine as to how they would have made it when it comes to getting off the boat. When people read about the system that they had, for many, it was very confusing. This is something that some people have to look at how people were to exit and how few life boats that were available.
  • People are also confused about the sinking of the Titanic. There are many who wonder how it even happened. Yeah they know that it struck an ice berg. Many understand that. However, what many people don’t understand is how they didn’t see it. What we have learned from survivor diaries is that there were so many ice bergs out there, that it was impossible not to hit one.
  • There were some who survived this that ended up having many nightmares about ice bergs because when they were in the water on the life boats, that is all they saw.  This would be a traumatic event. This is an event that no one wants to face, but some who read about this account of history say that accidents do happen. It might not be entirely their fault as historians are still learning about just what happened and which theory can be justifiable.
  • There are many who say the captain was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic for different reasons. There are some who say that he should have known a bit more about how to watch for those. He should have thought less about the money they could make when they had less life boats as they deemed it the safest boat and insisted that they still put the regulated about of them up. However, it is hard to say who is actually at fault for this.
  • There are many who after seeing this movie about the sinking Titanic didn’t want to go on boat rides. There were many who wonder what precautions they take to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. It is safe to say that they did many things since then to try to bring a safe ride where people don’t have to worry. This is what we found to be true about this. The sinking of the Titanic is something that we learned tons about as they found the boat and love learning about the lives that different people lead.
  • People who read about this in the news and wondered how such a thing could happen. It was the buzz of the time. Nowadays, they do everything in their power so that if such a thing happens, they can say they did their very best to ensure the safety of each and every passenger that comes on board.

  • History of Titanic:
                               After watching the sinking of the boat on the big screen, many want to know about the truth behind this. There are many who want to know the history of the Titanic. This is where they can come to learn about it as there is much to know.

  • It started on April 10, 1912 when the Titanic was to start her voyage. There were three levels. There was the bottom which was level three. This was for those who were poor. Then, there was the second class which was for those who might have been your average middle class. Then the top part was for the rich and famous. They had everything which people on floor one and two could get to with a pool and gym and many other things to keep them entertained.
  • Everything seemed to be in order. According to the history of the Titanic, people were saying that this was the best boat as it would be the first of its kind. It was the one that would take people in luxury. It was to be the safest boat. However, what we found to be true is that it wasn’t very safe. In fact, due to the lack of lifeboats that was on board for if anything happened, this became the boat that killed over 1500 people.
  • When looking at the passengers that were aboard this boat, there were people from all walks of life. We learned about who was then aboard from the ledgers that were filed. According to the history of the Titanic, there were men and women. There were young and old. There were people from all over who were on this boat.
  • When the Titanic sank, according to the history of the Titanic, the way they loaded was this way. Men were last to board the life boats as were immigrants. They tried to lock those in the third class downstairs, but the captain went to help them as there were women and children down there. Some wives stayed with their husbands. The Titanic found that after they hit the ice berg, they quickly sank. This is a bit about the overview of the history of the Titanic.
  • Many didn’t make it alive and they say trying to put a name to those people in order to id the deceased was harder than they could ever imagine. They had a lengthy system and many were buried who had died with no name and no one to know if it was them. It was quite easy to tell about those who were alive. Many were old enough to recall the name.
  • These survivors lived with things that haunted them. However, many went on and continued on in life as great people who became famous when they found the Titanic. Some were saddened to learn that the last one had died in 2006 as this made history come alive for all. Hollywood sure learned a lot and used what they had learned to create a movie about this which many saw and not a dry eye left many movie theatres after seeing the tragic tale unfold.

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